Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Math Night"

I just got back from a "Math Game Night" at Kt's school. It was insane!! Disorganized, not enough games for the number of kids who showed up, teacher's who had to stay all night (I hope they paid them!) and were trying to scream out instructions over all the pandemonium.... I wish I had thought enough to take some Advil before I ventured over there!

Now, when they sent the notes home, the one thing they failed to mention was that this was actually a sales ploy! They had 1/4 of the gym set up to sell all the games the kids were playing and the rest of the gym had the sample games. People were buying up these completely overpriced games like crazy!! I have no idea how this was all organized or how they got the teachers to stay but I was a little turned off by the whole thing. Next year, I'll let T go!!


doubleknot said...

Where does the money go from the endless sells that the schools seem to have?

Anonymous said...

I did not notice the table that was selling things. My children all had a wonderful time.

deanna said...

For real? You did not notice the three tables set up as you walked into the room on your right with boxes and boxes of all the games?? And on each set of directions for each of the games was a price - how much the game cost should you wish to purchase it - written in green at the top?? I'm not really sure how you could miss it! Unless you didn't have to play any games with your children! My daughter was able to play three games and she had a pretty good time. I think there were several she would have loved to play, but there was no room when she tried. Next year, I hope they identify the company that is selling in the letters and that they set up more tables. My daughter had to RSVP but it didn't seem like they were at all prepared for the crowd that came. Glad you had fun, whoever you are!

deanna said...

Oh, and I didn't bring money or a check book so the one game I might have purchased? I have no idea how to get my hands on it!