Thursday, April 13, 2006


If this service should ever go out of business, I will not be one bit surprised! My mom's train is close to 3 hours late!!! She'd be an hour away if she'd driven, instead she is still sitting in the train station in Bridgeport. Waiting.

Of course, this means that instead of leaving MD around 9:30 as planned, we'll be pulling out of BWI around midnight. Not happy campers around here! It will take us 3-4 hours to get to our hotel. All this to avoid getting up and leaving at 5 am. I liked plan A better. I even said last night before we made those hotel reservations, "But what if the train is late?"

I'm already whooped from packing all day. I packed for me, the girls, the crib we are taking down, all the Easter stuff, the snack food, got gas.... of course, it's a thankless job. Everyone is stomping around whining! The house is still a mess. T told me last night that there is a meeting here Monday night after he gets home from the airport. Why here, you ask? Don't know, but they are going to have to live with the mess! No one bothered to clean it up while alone here for 5 days and the girls have been busy outside all day. Some people think that slavery was abolished, but I think it's still alive and well in this house!

This will be an adventure. Easter in Savannah. The car ride in itself will be something to talk about. I hope everyone has an awesome Easter. I will try to post but with dial up, well, I'm not sure how much I'll be allowed to be on!

UPDATE: Back to original plan. Picking up my mom sometime around MIDNIGHT, no thanks to Amtrak!, then leaving around 5 am. I better go get some sleep!


doubleknot said...

Have a great adventure.

doubleknot said...

Hope your travels went well. Checking to see when you get back.
I have been tagged to list six weird things about myself - gee and I thought I was so 'normal' - I am suppose to tag six other people - you don't have to do this is you don't want to but it is kind of fun.