Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Post About Nothing

I really have nothing much to write. I'm home, getting ready to go on another trip. This time to Savannah for Easter with my sister and her family. We still aren't sure if we are going to pick up my mom at BWI tomorrow evening and leave from there, or bring her here, get up at 5am and drive... Still up in the air. That's kind of the way we do things here...

Today was supposed to be my nice, quiet day alone. T decided to work from home so we could take the car in to get the tire changed. So, my whole day changed and now I just cannot decide what to do. I haven't even taken a shower yet - yuck - because in my originally scheduled day it was Curves, then shower, then accomplish everything. Now, I'm stuck. Lots to do but so interrupted I can't seem to get anything done. That's why I'm blogging!

Am I ever going to have a whole day alone in my house? I'm not really sure... It just doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. Tonight, T will pick up the girls and I'll be having to entertain them, follow them around cleaning up after them all while I pack the car for this trip. Never a quiet moment in this house!

Well, off to try to do something!?!


doubleknot said...

Enjoy the moments. Way too soon the kids will be teenagers gone off to do their thing.
I do hope you have a few quiet days for yourself though.

Jeremy Del Rio said...

Seinfeld built an empire around the "nothing" theme... you might be onto something here. ;p

deanna said...

doubleknow - I know what you mean! Jeremy - LOL! I think his nothings were much funnier than mine - at least for now!! Today, nothing but packing!