Thursday, August 03, 2006

What I've Been Saying All Along!!

I know I've mentioned before how I feel about parents of children with nut-allergies. I sympathize with them to a point. I personally do not send food with nuts to school with my children as I do not ever want to be responsible for another child having an allergic reaction. I also am frustrated with parents trying to dictate every morsel of food in the name of a food allergy. Last I checked, DOTS have no peanuts!! However, many of these parents do not educate their children on what food items have peanuts or peanut products, so the children never learn how to make very important food decisions on their own.

On today there is an article supporting this belief of mine is printed. I'm NOT suggesting that start introducing nut products in schools, but I'm just reiterating my belief that if children never see what they are allergic to, they may not recognize it when it's put in front of their faces!! I think creating a completely peanut/nut free environment is just as dangerous for kids as exposure in so many ways.

My sister-in-law's best friend was allergic to walnuts. Her mom very carefully created the walnut-free life for her and she was always told what she could and could not eat, namely walnuts. So, when she went off to college, she decided that as long as she took off the walnuts on top of her brownie, it would be safe. She never made it to the hospital and her epipen was back in her dorm room.

Please, if you have a child who has a lethal peanut allergy, educate them, as scary as it may be, what can happen if you eat this, or this, or even this. No exposure can kill them as well!

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