Sunday, August 06, 2006

Here's What He Wrote:

From Paris:

We've had a pretty amazing day in Paris today seeing the sights. I
was still a bit sick so the other leaders ran the show including
getting everyone into the city and a pretty intense debreifing
session. I caught up with them later which was a lot of fun. Two
more sessions on reentry tommorrow qnd then flying. Pray for ontime
flights. More after we get home.

Like I said earlier, "qnd" for "and" - LOL!

It's nice to know he's feeling better. Now, for my final act as mission's mom, we have to drive to Dulles airport at rush hour tomorrow. For me, this is probably the most challenging task of this entire trip. While it would have been much easier to ask someone else to just bring him home, T I know would much rather be picked up by his girls. We'll do it for him - but just to warn you all, no one else better ask as much from us!!

Em has asked me about 5 times today if tomorrow is the day we pick up dad. She honestly cannot wait! She likes everything to be just right, the way it should be and it's just not been that way for her. She's very happy, content but I can see in the back of her mind the daily reminder that something is out of place. From the time she could walk, Em has been our cuddle kid. If T so much as looks like he's going to hug me, she's right there at our legs, holding on for dear life! Tomorrow night, she's not going to let him go - I can feel it already!! I guess I'll be sleeping in her bed! LOL

Kt I'm sure is just formulating a million questions in her mind about Africa. She is our information monger. That child cannot stuff enough trivia into that brain of hers and is always looking for more country facts than one can put in an encyclopedia! In California, my aunt gave her a small globe on a keychain. It's TINY, and she has been showing everyone the pinpoint on the globe where her dad is. I can hardly even tell it's Africa!! I think we are both very ready to take her somewhere far away!

We are slowly getting cleaned up and ready. Kt wants to plan a big coming home party for T tomorrow. I had to break it to her that by the time we get home, no one will be awake enough for a party!! Not to mention, dad will be exhausted, not feeling well and party will be the last thing on his mind. But, to appease her, we will plan a party for Tuesday night!

Tomorrow at this time they should be landing - yeah!

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