Thursday, July 05, 2007


Em and I are just those today. It's been nice! We are literally sitting around vegging. Kt is at a friend's house. We are doing a little laundry, straightening up here and there, but mostly just sitting around, looking through books, watching a bit of TV (it's kind of rainy out), play dohing, just "chillaxin" - it's nice!

Of course, we could be pondering Kt's most recent car question.

"Mommy? (she always waits until I respond, even when I'm looking right at her.... so annoying!) Is it true that the smaller you are, time will pass faster?"

My inadequate answer: "No, time is the same for everyone. It doesn't change based on time."

Kt: "No, I mean, like, animals."

Me (completely confused, making my "I'm not making that connection" face): "Uh, I have no idea what you are talking about."

Kt: "Well, like for an ant, isn't a month shorter? And then for a bigger animal, like a dog it's longer? Does it take longer for them to do things? Oh, just forget it."

After that, I just totally ignored the "What's that middle lane for?" question, because there was no middle lane and I just wasn't in the mood. Since I'm bigger than her, I was hoping the trip to her friend's house would be shorter for me!

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