Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pre-life Crisis

So, our car question today was quite interesting. I was not even backed out of the driveway when it started:

Kt: Mommy, how does it feel to be a double digit?

Me: Wellllllllll, uh, I'm not sure. What do you mean? What is a double digit? and how would I know what they feel like?

Kt: You ARE a double digit.

Me: And you are a single digit?

Em: (has to put in her 2 digits!) What is a digit?

Kt: It's a number, and mommy is two of them and I am one.

Me: But not for long.....

Kt: Right, so how does it feel to be a double digit?

I guess we'd call this pre-life crisis? How many of us double digits remember life as a single digit? I never realized turning 10 could be so life-changing, stressful and dramatic. Of course, she still has 5 months left until this life-altering event. Someone, pass me some Advil.... please!


JaydensJourney said...

Did you post a comment on MaryBeth's blog? Otherwise there is another fan with your name posting!??!?! ;-)

deanna said...

Nope, that was not me. There are other deannas? LOL

Kathryn said...

Too cute :-)