Friday, July 20, 2007


I figured since I'm stuck at home I'd do a Phoebster update. It has been 8 months since Phoebe was diagnosed with Renal Disease, which she was born with. In that past 8 months, she shows little to no sign of being ill at all!! When she was originally diagnosed, she was given 2 months to 2 years of life, and since then has passed her very first birthday.

Phoebe is an exact replica of Pavlov's dog, although her "triggers" are always associated with people, unless, of course, the opening of cans is involved! She has a funny whollop of a bark when she wants something. She drinks quite a bit (part of the kidney thing - but her big brother shares her passion for agua) and whenever anyone goes to the refrigerator for an ice cube or water, she begins to whallop. Really, though, it's just because she knows someone will play with her.;-)

A regular playmate in her life is Calvin, who had life breathed into him by her. You would never know it, but he really loves her despite his constant yapping and nipping of her. She is such an instigator, though, that we know she loves it! Those two truly have a love/hate relationship - they love to play and hate to be apart! Her second favorite playmate.... it's a toss up between Em and T. Kt would be a close favorite as well!

Phoebe is a very gentle, playful, affectionate and compliant dog. She comes when we call her (wish she'd teach her big brother that trick!), runs at the speed of lightening (or maybe faster!) and will find any way out of her boundaries just to be with someone. We rarely remember that she has a life-threatening condition because she is just so full of life!! When we do remember, it's hard to imagine life without her. I'm sure if she could speak, she'd say she loves life just the way it is - only with more canned dog food!

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