Once a week, I see people posting these "potpourri" posts. I'm not sure if this is some "official" type of blog post, but I've come upon a week that this word seems to define. It's been somewhat of a mixture of ups and downs, crazy and normal, fun and disturbing, exciting and scary. I'm not sure how much of it to share, but I'll start with a car moment.
On the way to pottery camp today, Kt asked, "Why do cars have so many windows?"
Em answered for me today, "Because we need to see where we are!"
I was kind of thinking to myself, it's nice to see all around me most of the time - a little bit of where I'm going, some parts of where I've been and being transported in my own little comfort zone. Of course, our little zone is a complete mess!! But I won't share THAT part of my week!
I'll keep this brief for my cousin, S, who doesn't like me embellishing my daily tasks! LOL In a nutshell (full of potpourri):
1. Spent Sunday at the little Presbyterian Church where the girls attended VBS - interesting.
2. Monday morning, signed up the girls and dropped them off at pottery camp - who says we aren't spontaneous!
3. Monday morning - offered a job at the little pottery place starting this fall - took it. Again, we are a bit spontaneous.
4. Monday afternoon - doctor's appointment, where once again I'm a mutant patient. Wrongly thinking I was there for a blood pressure lecture, it appears that I have some kind of liver disorder. We are now in the process of diagnosing this. This discovery was a little too spontaneous for me - I'm going to have to rethink the benefits of trying to be flexible!!
5. Tuesday morning - the wedding rehearsal dinner invitations lady came to pick up her envelopes - thankfully!! She only dropped them off on Friday, and was so picky I raced to get them done. 100 invitations.... to a rehearsal dinner on Cape Cod. I was tempted to write one up for myself! They probably wouldn't even notice that nobody knew me!
6. Tuesday morning - my mom arrived for a 32 hour visit before heading off to California with her sister. She was a nice distraction from my newfound obsession with liver disorders!
7. Tuesday afternoon - went to see Ratatoullie (?) with my mom and the girls - great, great movie!!! I will buy that one!
8. Tuesday night - Cheesecake Factory - had to do something really bad for myself before I'm too sick to enjoy it!!
9. Wednesday morning - Breakfast with my mom, shopping with my mom, lunch with my mom, sending her off..... I really do wish she lived here because I miss her a lot when she leaves!! Oh, before she left I had some lab work done - 8 vials, must be bad! EEK!
10. Wednesday evening - saw Beauty and the Beast performed by a summer theater group - it was fabulous. It's a show and movie I could watch multiple times and still love!
11. Today.... picked up half of my prescription and had to pay for the whole thing. Our new insurance doesn't like my meds, so $54 for the first half and they never received the second one from my dr. I'm scared to ask. It's really expensive having "medical conditions." A little depressing.... but then I picked up my kids!
12. Spent the afternoon with my children working on their summer packets. What a crazy thing - summer packets. And of all the ones we've done, we've never seen anyone even check them. Why are we doing them??? I don't know, but it's been good for Em. For Kt, it's just busy work... really!
The scent that is holding my potpourri together is a sweet reminder that God is in control, He's driving my car with lots of windows and revealing only what I need to see. This week, He's really asked me to leave it all to Him - the passports (not here yet), the fundraising (still don't know how much we have or how much we need to pay), the liver thing (a dreadful thing that I know too much about), my control freakiness (which has gotten a little out of control this nice, summer week) and all our trip details. Tonight, I'm actually feeling a bit relaxed because, well, I just don't really know. Sometimes, it's nice to be riding up a hill and not really know what's over that bump. I feel like I have a breather.....
Tomorrow is our last day of pottery camp, my last day of freetime (until the girls go back to CT with my mom! Yay!), and I just want to enjoy it! My potpourri container will be full!!