Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So, I'm checking the weather to see just how crazy I am to be subbing for recess duty tomorrow. Of course, it's supposed to be the one cold, WINDY (hate that!) day of the week. IN FACT, next week upper 60's. Can you believe that? You see, to me, that's cold! So imagine what windy 40's will feel like. I believe I'll need to invest in some long underwear with my first paycheck!!


kimsilver said...

You are brave...I hate the cold. I will be thinking of you when I see my classes go out for recess. I think it will be in the 40's here, too. :0( I am not an outside girl.....unless it is above 60 degrees and sunny. I am telling you--I keep finding out ways we are alike!

deanna said...

Yeah, I think Boca Raton was great when your parents lived there - that's my kind of weather!!

Leslie said...

Uh... it's snowing here.
Don't talk to me about cold...