Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Report Card Day

I completely forgot, but today was report card day! Imagine what tomorrow will be like for those poor teachers during American Education Week - YIKES!!! The girls did really well, we are proud of them. There is room for each of them to work on something, so that's always good for a first quarter grade. We had a celebratory dinner at Bob Evans, which is the girl's favorite restaurant - go figure!?!

I think my kids are smarter than I was. It's a bit humbling. Or maybe school is just more academic. I just remember having more than one recess, lots of parties, making more crafty stuff. Now it's all work, 20 minutes of recess and grades after grades after grades. They have "assessments" instead of just "tests"! What is that about? Is it just because it's a better vocabulary word? Or do they think it sounds less ominous than test?? Whatever!

Next week, conferences. I suspect there will be few surprises, but there's always room for a eye-popping revelation. I'll have to be sure I take that blood pressure med before I head over there!

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