Wednesday, May 09, 2007

God and Caterpillars

Tonight, Em was a little chatterbox! She does that sometimes when she doesn't want to go to sleep, or just when she has something on her mind that she needs to process out loud. Tonight seemed like a combination of both of those!

About a week ago, I came home to caterpillars all over our tiny front porch. My first thought? Gross! My second thought? I thought I asked T to spray those tents on our front tree!!! My kids' thoughts? Complete and utter joy, elation bordering on insanity! Since then, we've had daily caterpillar "events" ranging from feeding times, to prize giveaways to our daily afternoon neighborhood caterpillar races. I'll be rummaging through backpacks to the sound of all the kids in our neighborhood packed into our backyard chanting, "Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya....." That's the name of the favorite caterpillar.

Last weekend, we had our very first caterpillar tragedy. I missed it, but T had the privilege of witnessing it at the park. The girls each brought their caterpillars along with their scooters. Apparently, at one point Kt had the brilliant idea of taking her caterpillar for a ride on her scooter, which proceeded without incident. Until, of course, Em decided to give it a try and accidentally stepped right on that caterpillar. Kt (mind you, she's 9!) burst into tears and Em fled in shame to the hills. I'm quite glad I missed it, otherwise my cynical laughter might have had dire repercussions.

Had I not been so disgusted by the caterpillars themselves, I might have seen sooner the impact they are really having on my children. I was quite taken aback tonight when Em announced to me as I was cuddling with her in bed that she could not believe that God would do this to her. I had to delve a little deeper, because that was a statement I've never heard from her before. She explained that God had "given" them 13 caterpillars today. She went on to explain to me that until today, they were so sad that they were down to just one caterpillar, Maya. They originally had three, one accidentally got away, one was accidentally stepped on and then they just had one that everyone had to share.

I have to admit, her perception of what had happened stunned me. She went on to very eloquently describe to me the immense amount of sorrow if caused them that there seemed to be a caterpillar shortage. In the past week, the only caterpillars they could find were 4 dead ones on our driveway and about 10 dead ones in the street. This only added to their grief. But today, God saw their sadness and gave them 13 live caterpillars, and because of this they have been able to give some away and Maya has a friend.

This story has not changed the way I feel about caterpillars. They are still outside pets, never to enter the confines of my bugfree inner sanctum I like to call my house. I still inwardly cheer when they tell stories of caterpillars squooshed and I'm looking forward to the time the caterpillars morph into something I like even less - moths! But the connection that Em made between God and caterpillars, or better yet, God and her sorrow, was striking. I think she really gets it - that God cares. From there, she went on to tell me how nervous and excited at the same time she is about our trip this summer to Hungary. We'll have to make the connection about God caring.

I had to leave Em chatting away about creepy crawly things, all while she was yawning away. That child's mind is with every living creature on this planet, a true naturalist at heart. I wonder who she got that from - not me or T! I guess God knew He'd have a lot to teach her through that love, and He's decided to get started whether or not T and I choose to contribute. Very humbling, yes, very, very humbling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caterpillars are much better to deal with than groundhogs. I hope God doesn't grant me more of them!