Thursday, September 28, 2006

Goofy Christians

So, here I am, a whole day to myself! Sort of... I met with a friend this morning that I'll be working with starting next week. Then I ran a couple errands and returned home to get ready to tutor. Then we cancelled tutoring... so here I am!

Have you ever seen one of the Praise and Worship CD advertisements on TV? They are so goofy! Now, I'm not bashing the songs. I happen to love most of them! But when I watch the commercial, I can't help but wonder what others think about us. I was watching one today and those Christians on there - they look so happy, like they are having fun or something... dancing, raising their hands, clapping, singing.... I reminds me of a co-worker of T's, who sang one of those songs from the commercial to him. I think it was "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord." He wasn't a Christian, but he'd heard that commercial so many times late at night that he knew the song! How crazy is that??

So, what do non-believers think of those ads? I pretty much know what some Christians think - we think they are goofy, right? Or do you sing along? Or do you just not care what it makes all Christians look like?? If we started seeing commercials at night for religious music not of our faith, how would we feel about that? Would we think it was goofy or strange?

As I was chuckling to myself about this today, I was reminded about the Bible study our group did Monday night, where we recalled King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. He "unabashedly" worshipped in the streets, singing and dancing. He didn't care one bit what it looked like to others, to non-believers. He was not ashamed. Am I ashamed?

Well, I guess I'm more ashamed of our "worship" becoming profitable to anyone other than God. I purchase CD's of worship music and I do enjoy them. But I really want my individual worship to be intimate, real, authentic and not displayed on TV. I'm a little embarrassed by those commercials, but I guess I'll get over it!

Well, after all these thoughts, I'm thinking it might be nice to take my now free afternoon, fill it with some great worship tunes and spend a little quiet time with my God. I think I'll pull out that new Patriarchs study of Beth Moore's that I'm working on and enjoy a little peace, quiet and privacy. I know it won't last long!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personally, I hate most 'Christian' TV...whether it's sermons or commercials. And those happy, shiny people they show on the commercials are annoying. It's like Hollywood-ized Christianity. It's not real to me.

Show me someone who is DOING something in the world, like a Mother Teresa...or someone working with Habitat for Humanity.