Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dollars or Euros???

I was just reading on a major news outlet an article about the House passing a bill that combined an increase in minimum wage and cut estate taxes on multi-million dollar estates. The strange thing was that every time they posted a dollar amount, in parenthesis next to that they translated that into euros. Huh?? Not sure I understand the point in that. First of all, this is a political issue in the U.S. Last I heard we were not using euros in the U.S. Secondly, I've never seen this done, even in stories about Europe or other countries around the world. Why would they do that?? Finally, I doubt the bill will go into effect anyway. The article even said that. It's not like it will ever impact our economy. So, is this a new trend or is there some reason our law-making is being translated for EU folks.... hmm....


deanna said...

Actually, the story was on, which might be why I've never seen that. I don't read cnn much at all!

Anonymous said...

It was done strictly to annoy you, and only you. Didn't you know that?
They have a special team that sits around a table and discusses you. They ask each other, "How can we confuse Deanna this week?

deanna said...

You might be on to something here.... LOL!