Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How To Prepare Children for Africa

T has been filling in the blanks for our girls on life in Africa. Of course, he's only doing this with information that he has read, not from first-hand experience!! He talks about living on a dollar a day, having only rice and beans to eat and no toilets. I don't know how much of it sinks in, but at least for Kt, who really does want to go to Africa someday, she's taken it to heart.

This evening she came running downstairs to tell us she had just taken a cold shower. She was VERY excited about it and made us both come into the bathroom to see where she had left the dial on the cold side. I'm sure some of her excitement was sheer adrenalin. When asked why she did this, she replied, "I wanted to see what it was like for the people in Cameroon!" I reminded her that there was likely no air conditioning for the people in Cameroon either, while she stood there, wrapped head to toe in a towel, shivering.

Maybe tomorrow for dinner we'll have rice and beans? And I'll send T off to work on his bike with $1!! I wonder how that will go over??


doubleknot said...

How wonderful that the children are interested in learning just what it may be like in Africa. Not the touristy stuff but regular life. I bet Kt was very proud of her cold shower - very brave of her to try it.

deanna said...

Yup - that's Kt. She likes to apply what she learns. We'll have to be a little more careful about what we teach her!! She still refuses to get the shots she needs, though, to go to Africa. Maybe someday...

Jeremy Del Rio said...

I'd like to here about T's $1 a day/bike ride when he does it... Heh

deanna said...

Don't hold your breath! Sometimes, he's just all talk. I say, put your dollar where you mouth is! LOL How's your abuelo? I'll have to go check...

tony sheng said...

neither the cold shower nor bike ride were my ideas... LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow...that KT is pretty stinkin' amazing! She must have gotten it from her wonderful parents who are also pretty stinkin' amazing :)! I think the way she is says a lot about you and T, congrats for having such wonderful and amazing young girls!