Thursday, June 08, 2006

Heading North!

Tomorrow I'm going to take Em up to Connecticut. If I had thought this through better, remembering that somewhere along the way T has decided to work from home, I could have gone alone!! But this way, we can stay until Monday.

We are heading up for A's graduation party, and to make the event even sweeter, she'll be going to Gordon College!! A girl after my own heart!! I am so excited for her. Even after spending the last 14 years or so here working with high school students, I've never been able to convince any of them to try Gordon. I am so excited that someone so important to me will get the chance to go to a great Christian college.

I really do wish T and Kt were coming along. Instead, it'll be a little time for Em and I. Of course, we spend a lot of time together already, but it will be nice for her to have Mom all to herself - I mean my mom! I think that's important for second children.

Oh, yeah, and I decided to work at Mother's Day Out one day a week next year. That works for me since I still haven't a clue where we'll send Em for kindergarten. So many decisions, so little time!

1 comment:

doubleknot said...

Hope you had a safe trip and spent some quality time with Em.