Thursday, June 05, 2008


I think sometimes God stops us in our tracks, our "busy" tracks, to remind us how precious life is. I've been running around today.... volunteer breakfast, making brownies for our fundraiser tomorrow, having our last set of beautiful lights put in over our island, picking up Subway for my 4th grader's end of the year picnic, hanging out with parents, goofing around on the computer, taking my girls to swim team practice.... when something has really stopped me in my tracks. I found out this afternoon that a 6th grader in our youth ministry, someone who never had a chance to meet T and I or go on any summer trips, just passed away. Even without knowing this young girl, I am still heartbroken for her family, friends, youth workers and everyone who has been fervently praying for her recovery for the past 10 weeks that she's been hospitalized. When we stop to think about life, and death, it really puts things into perspective. And it makes it a little bit harder to feel busy - at least for me. I'd rather live than be running around trying to catch my breath all the time. And I'm going to take more time to be with my own kids while we're all here!

Please keep this family in your prayers.

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