Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Overwhelmed and Venting...

So, I don't like to do this, but I will. This has been a horrendous week, and it's only Wednesday! At this point, I cannot wait for Christmas to come. I feel like I'm walking around in a fog and I really don't know what to do next.... so I'm blogging!

We started the week with a day at the girl's school, so of course, by today, when I even spent another morning there, I feel lousy. Sore throat, runny nose, achy.... you name it, I feel it. It's not as bad as last year, when I'm pretty sure I had the flu the week before Christmas. But this definitely has the potential...

Monday afternoon I went to the mall (yup, mistake #100), to get some gift certificates. I ran into another 3rd grade mom who asked me how Kt's book report project was coming along. What? That was the question that ran through my head. Book report??? I knew she had to read James and the Giant Peach for a "book club," because she was sick two days last week and I had to run out to Borders to buy her that book. But a project??? Due Thursday??? Problem!

So, I finally made it through the line at the mall, out of the parking lot and home to meet the girls get off the bus. Kt was happy as ever, until I asked about her "little project" which she seemed to think was "no big deal". Of course, she'd left the assignment sheet in her school folder and would have to bring it home Tuesday, but she promised it was no big deal and she was practically finished with the book. Since she had an afterschool piano lesson, we were stuck at home unable to return to school to get more information.

I then moved on to checking their folders, where I found Em's interim report. I won't go into a lot of detail, but it was not pretty. After a few days of emails, questions, behavior charts.... I'm still completely perplexed. What was documented as an academic issue of immense proportions has somehow resolved itself with almost no effort in one day. I have some concerns, but the jury is still out on that one. Of course, the toll it took on my blood pressure is irreversible!

Tuesday rolls around. I had Christmas cards to mail, Sunday School stuff to pick up, cookies to deliver that I'd stayed up late Monday baking, a luncheon to attend and of course I am wrapping, laundering, packing (trying to, anyway) and cleaning.... It's cyclical, exhausting.... On top of that, I had to bake for the teachers because, let's face it, I do that every year and I can't really deviate from that - correct? Kt brought home her book report assignment and got to work on that. I finally sent her to bed at 10 pm after an evening of tons of homework, Thank You cards from her birthday and doing her hair for her school birthday today. We then had a college student visit from 10-1.... while I made fudge, that today I'm thinking I need to throw away. It's as hard as a rock... what a waste.

This morning, up early and all morning at Em's school, then on to tutoring, where I find that not only is the elementary school dumping on loads of homework this week, but the high school is as well. I thought we could forgo the tutoring tomorrow, but low and behold we have a paper to write. Crazy. What has gotten into the minds of these teachers???????

So, I finally get home, completely exhausted, feeling lousy, my house is an utter disaster area, I'm still doing laundry, have packed next to nothing, still have presents to wrap, cookies to bake, fudge to remake, and I'm sick. Kt brings me her "practically finished" book so I can read her the last 30 pages or 11 chapters!!!!!! to her out loud - I have almost no voice now. Em is screaming to go to the Festival of Lights, T HAS to meet with someone tonight. He's told me several times who he's meeting but not once why, tonight, when we have all this stuff happening.... makes no sense to me, but he's gone. The girls were both up until 10, Kt's project not done. I sent her to bed wailing. Unfinished project, unstudied for test - YES, the possessed third grade teachers have made these children the week before Christmas break do a major project and take assessments all in the same day. It's just completely insane!

So, why you ask, am I even considering making cookies for these crazy people? Well, considering is a good word, because right now it's just not happening. Something must give, and it's going to be the baking. I've paid my dues, done my time, suffered enough grief at the hands of these teachers during the busiest week of the year. They will just have to live with their gift certificates. Someday, they can thank me for keeping them 1 pound thinner this Christmas. I have packing, laundry, wrapping and most importantly recovery to take care of tonight. Merry Christmas, teachers - or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate this year - just not in school!! Maybe next year you can have a little mercy on your students and their parents for the holiday season!

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