Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Homeschooling.... again!

It's all T's fault. He sent me a link yesterday to an article entitled "Why I Do Not Homeschool". The first part was pretty good, but today's was really a reflection of how we feel, T and I, about our decision to send our children to public school. It was nice to have someone else eloquently express what I feel has been our gut feeling all along. Of course, I couldn't keep my mouth shut, either. I had to comment a bit... trying not to get into a bitter battle!

The truth is, I just really feel like it's a matter of conviction and world mission view. God clearly speaks to some differently than others, creates children so uniquely and places them with parents who can provide for them in ways only they can! I wish this subject was not so divisive when it comes to relationships. It shouldn't be that way. I hate that Satan has used this arena to get a stronghold on the church today - it's something we should never have allowed!!

In saying all this, I don't want to dissuade people from homeschooling, private schooling or public schooling. I do want us to stop judging each other for decisions we make for our children based on our individual convictions. In each area, different efforts need to be addressed in raising up our children in the way they should go. May God be the one to point these out to us in a loving, encouraging way!!


Emily said...

I like that guy's articles. Obviously I don't have to worry about this for awhile :-) but it is something I think about sometimes.

Right now I think I'd really like to homeschool my kids for elementary school, at least the younger years. I absolutely agree with you and that guy about the need to witness and make friends with unbelievers. If I do decide to do this, it would have to be coupled with lots of efforts to make friends with the neighbors and do sports teams, Girl scouts, etc. I guess if after awhile I felt like relationships (both between the kids and me and the parents) weren't working then I would rethink it but at least on a trial basis.

The reasons why i DO think taht I want to homeschool mostly aren't because I want to shelter them from the world!! I went to a non-Christian elementary school (AND didn't have Christian parents :-P) and don't remember getting horrible messages about sex and profanity. . .
but, honestly, I just think it would be really fun!! The Gottschalks and the Grabaus both homeschooled for some of the elementary years and had a blast with it- maybe I'm biased because Mary's my best friend, but talking to her and her mom about it, I think that those years might have really contributed to her lack of need to conform, her creativity, and her love for learning. She LOVED being homeschooled- she went back to school for a year and then decided she wanted to be homeschooled again. They had a blast pursuing the girls' interests, learning in ways that made sense to them, etc. And I think it really contributed to the closeness of their family. Obviously, homeschoolings not the only way to achieve those goals by any means, but I think it would be a fun way. It gives you more time to do fun things as a family, to enjoy the kids, etc. Again, all things which I know lots of non-homeschooling families (such as you guys and tons more!!) accomplish!!! But knowing me and my type-ZZZ! personality and my hatred for hurrying, I think I'd really like to have my kids learning at home and those opportunities.
Another thing which the article didn't really talk about, ironically, is the quality of the education. I loved all the public schools I attended and feel like I got a great education- and I'm studying to be a (probably public) elementary school teacher! But, through my education classes we are learning a lot about the struggles teachers have to teach way more kids than they can comfortably attend to. I struggled a lot in high school with being capable of understanding certain material but needing to go at a different pace than the class was- and I like the idea of covering the material on a more one-on-one basis with my kids and letting them learn in ways that make sense to them, not in a classroom with 25 other kids. Again, this is just what i PREDICT my personal preference might end up being, I have no idea most of what I'm talking about since I don't have kids, let alone kids in the school system, and I'm sure my beliefs/feelings will change in the next 15 years!!

In terms of the religious part of education- I know amazing Christians who went to public schools and families tha thomeschooled and had daily devotions whose kids totally dropped the faith. I think the closer and safer kids are with their families then the more likely they are to take their parents faith seriously??? I don't know.

Anyway- would love to hear your thoughts on my comment- bc you know way more than I do on the subject!!

Love you! Can we get together when I'm home?? (Tomorrow night! yay!)

deanna said...

LOL - is there even room left for me to comment?? You are so funny, and I trust that when it's your turn to decide, you will do exactly what God lays on your heart. You have so much to offer your future children, and I don't doubt that, with your background and upbringing, that you will know exactly what your children need and where to find it for them!

That being said, I'm quite certain someone as thorough as you knows worlds more than I do about this subject. In fact, you probably know more about marriage than I do. What was that question you asked me the first time you met me? Something like, "So, how's your marriage?" And it just went on from there. Hehe - if anyone knows, it's you!

Finally, whatever you choose for your children, don't let anyone make you feel like you're doing something wrong or "unchristian" - that's where I get a little defensive about this subject. It's your decision and I trust you - there's really no right or wrong answer here, it's between you, your husband (whoever he may be!) and God.

I can't wait until there are some little sunflowers running around - they will certainly brighten up the place!! Now, go get some studying done and come home - we miss you!