Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy 9th Birthday, Kt!!

Today my little girl is 9. She is having the time of her life in the shower right now - LOL! It's gorgeous here at the beach, albeit a little wet. For breakfast, her father went in search of pancakes and was fortunate to find that Hardees was willing to give him their leftover as we all slept in a bit.

I really cannot believe how big Kt is, how mature, how smart, how sweet (most of the time!) and how fast she is growing up. Her grasp of the world she lives in is getting so big, so deep and her love for all that God is is profound. I never really knew that God created us to grow up so that we could teach our older counterparts more about Him through our development. Kt has forced me to see things about God that I either passed by or had forgotten. I'm completely indebted to her!

I'm so sad to see her grow up because I love little kids, but I guess the inevitable must happen. She is so excited to be old enough to do.... well, her list is so long! This Birthday and Christmas will be full of technological gadgets we wouldn't have dreamed of giving her a couple years ago, some hopefully she'll become more responsible with her age (don't worry, I'm not holding my breath on that one!). If anything, she will at least be a little closer to making her own decisions about her place in this world and what she wants to do about that!

Happy Birthday, Ktbug!

(sorry about the camera phone photos - not so clear today! 1) the girls enjoying birthday breakfast, 2) the view from our deck - we're at the beach!!)

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