Friday, June 15, 2007

When the Teacher's Away....

the students will play!! Em knew yesterday that her teacher would be out today, so I'm wondering now, after listening to her stories about today, whether she spent all night plotting her takeover or if it just happened, naturally, once she saw that substitute teacher!

Em's first story was about her "staying in" for recess, something reserved for children who don't finish their work or who need a little extra coaxing in the area of compliance. ;-) So, I asked Em, for what reason did she have to stay in? She claims for no reason, just that she and her friends wanted to. Hmmm.... During this time, she wrote her sister a letter, and a very lengthy one at that. On occasion this evening, she has called out for her sister who is currently at a Girl Scout sleepover. Must be one important letter!

The second story was very animated, meaning it must have been a defining moment for her today. She began her lively story by telling me that Kyle poked a hole in the purple pail at the sand table. Yesterday, she had to ask Miss C for a piece of tape to cover that hole. Today, SOMEONE REMOVED that piece of tape. (Can you believe that?? Neither could I!) Em had to get another piece of tape, and then had to "make a announcement" about the pail to the "entire" class. She displayed the said bucket for all to see, told them NOT to remove the tape!

Apparently, one student was unable to see her demonstration and decided that SHE should get in trouble for the situation - whatever that was! She is distraught over this suggestion.... even though she didn't get in trouble. I guess it was my job to agree with her that this student didn't know WHAT he was talking about. She is the solution! In fact, I wonder why they even bother to hire subs for that class. Just let Em take care of it!

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