Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Funny Convos

OK, I have so much fun reading A's conversations, I realized we had a couple today in the car. Here's one I remember (I'm getting so ooooold!)

Em: I just saw a firetruck!
Rest of us in the car: (Ignoring her, because we didn't know we were supposed to respond)
Em: I just saw a FIRETRUCK!!!!!!
Mom: You just saw a what? (laughing under her breath)
Kt: A what??? (smirking)
Kt: You saw what? (being bad)
Em: I saw a firetruck!
Mom: And what do firetrucks do? (being a teacher!)
Em: They water fires.
Kt: Then why do we call them firetrucks. We should call them watertrucks!
Mom: You're right, Kt. Do you know what your mom used to think about firetrucks?
Me: Oh, here we go! (rolling my eyes)
Mom: She thought they were coming to fire our house!
Me: Yup, I thought they set our houses on fire.
Kt: Haha, that is so funny!
Me: Yeah, so funny!

Thanks, mom! Of course, we did have a good laugh about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, aren't kids fantastic blog fodder?