Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A world where ...

When I saw the headline for this article, I totally laughed out loud!! Montana Principal Suspended for Giving Student a Wedgie
I mean, it's funny! Then again, it isn't. There is such a fine line between having fun and going just a little too far. But I give this principal credit. When the school system decided to reprimand him, embarrassed, he considered resigning. I'm sure that wouldn't have helped him professionally, but it's the principle (no pun intended - LOL). Instead, he decided that "I want to live in a world where we don't have to hide when we screw up."

In many ways, I'm a little like this principal. I hate it when I'm wrong and the last thing I want to do is admit it, especially in front of children and parents who look up to me. Even worse is when I feel like the punishment doesn't fit the "crime". I think this principal has taken a bad situation and turned it into a great learning tool for the students and parents, a lesson on life. I like that he has chosen not to claim that he did nothing wrong or even that he is being mistreated or harshly judged. Instead, he's admitting that his embarrassment over a bad circumstance is no reason to hide.

In many ways, this story brings us all back to the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve finally realized that they did something wrong. Their first reaction was to hide, but as they learned and we need to understand daily, we can never hide from God. And His grace is more than sufficient for our screw ups!! In this case, the humility of one will likely prove to be the strongest action in the whole laughable incident.

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