Sunday, October 29, 2006

If We are the Body....

If you ever want a new perspective on ANYTHING, just ask your 5 year old!! Tonight, Em was telling me how much she missed her "old church", meaning our old building. She says it was wider and she got to sing with her class in front of church. Yup, no singing in front of church in our new building!! Then she told me that someday she wants to go to a "real" church. So, I asked her what a real church is, and she replied, "You know, real churches look like castles!!" She is so fairy tale!

Anyway, I told her that Jesus tell us the church is like a body and it's made up of people, not a building. I explained to her that each believer is like a different part of a body and bodies are made up of working parts that contribute to it's purpose, like hands and feet. Those were my only two examples.

Now, I don't know about you all, but when I think of the body functioning together, I am thinking about arms, legs, hands, feet, a heart. Em starts listing things, beginning with a voice, so others can hear. She moves on to eyes, so they can see the world. Then, they have to have a stomach for all they eat and finally, they must have hair so they look good!! Wow, such a different idea than what I was thinking, but she certainly made me think.

There are so many functions of Christ's body here on earth, and each of them are so vitally important. What seems important to me may not be what others see as important, so I'm glad I listened to her and didn't jump in to correct her. She still wants to sing in front of the church, still wants a building like a castle and really digs the wideness of her old building (I'm still trying to figure that one out!). I never thought of Christ's body having hair, but there are times when I feel like we could represent ourselves to the world in a much better light than we do. As a matter of fact, some Christians are downright embarrassing to the church - they must have big hair or something!!

Ending on that note about how we look, a neighbor sent this to me tonight - it's great!! Check it out!

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