Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Husband, The Roadie

I talked to T last night and today. He's having fun in Orlando, other than the fact that the little concert he flew down for last night was outdoors. Even I know that Orlando in the winter can get pretty nippy!!

After the concert (I'll let him tell you ALLLL about that in his blog) he got the band "leaders" number in his cell phone (so proud of himself) and offered to help ferry many band members to the airport at the wee hours of this morning, after helping them pack up and load up last night. He's going to be one tired little boy tomorrow when he gets home at 1am!!

Today he's helping out K&M with a luncheon and then who knows?? He'll probably take a nap before his big dinner tonight!! (Another little post for him to share!) I noticed he checked my blog, probably making sure I'm not sharing any of his surprises on my blog. He's so territorial these days!!

We are off to see Curious George today. The girls are very excited - any excuse to go to the movies! I'm sure I'll be bribed into paying some exorbitant amount of money of popcorn today - wish I could pop and bring my own for a fraction of the cost. What is it about popcorn and movies? Ever wonder....?? Which reminds me, as a totally random thought for the week: my dad's grandmother used to serve a huge Sunday dinner after church, and then for dinner, they would have popcorn - no kidding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we have the curious george soundtrack and max LOVES it! he listens to it for hours and hours. have fun at the movies.