Sunday, July 13, 2008


It feels a bit like Camelot here - rain all night, sun all day. I'm sure that can't last forever!! But I do love the legend. =)

It is 10 days until we leave, and as usual, I have a million things swarming through my head.... I have program stuff to do, still more to purchase, laundry, packing, and cleaning for our housesitter! My mind is getting really disjointed!

We are close to raising what we need for this trip and we have one more fundraiser this Thursday night - scooping Ice Cream at Maggie Moo's in Maple Lawn. After that, we'll just have to believe that God will provide because I'm pretty sure we won't be able to do any more at that point! To date, we have raised..... over $94,000 for our summer trips. That is one significant and humbling number. It is also about half of what we need to cover all our expenses, so keep praying for us - please!!

After we leave next week, the Cameroon team will follow us in early August with the England team right behind them. We won't have a status on our funds while we're away because the three of us who take care of them will be, well, serving overseas! I guess I'll add that to my list of things to ponder in my really foggy mind.

I cannot thank those of you who are supporting us, in prayer and financially, for EVERYTHING!! We are all so excited to go - so happy to be sent. We know we couldn't do this without support. We know we won't be going without provision from God. We know all our efforts are in vain unless we believe both of those things. So thanks for co-laboring with us!

One more team meeting Tuesday... EEK!

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