Thursday, May 25, 2006

She Can Fly!

Today was Em's last day of gymnastics and all the kids were excited because it was their "flying" day. Each kid gets strapped into an apparatus that is used for more experienced gymnasts to practice landings, flips, jumps, etc. The kids get pulled up and get to swing. I tried to get a picture but it turned out really fuzzy because she was flying!!

Em loves the trampoline in gymnastics. She has always loved bouncing, so being able to do that with the added propeller is great fun for her. I wish you could see the huge smile on her face while she's up in the air. Such my adventurer, or is she? Just a few minutes ago, she once again came running in from the back yard, slamming the slider behind her. A squirrel. She saw one running up a tree and had to come in! She said down and said, "Oh, my best animals are dogs and elephants. Oh, and Max, B's cat." That was it. Squirrels, no way. Elephants, fine! One has to wonder....

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