Monday, November 21, 2005

Fame in Misfortune!

So, yesterday I blogged about my friend and her husband who just moved here and had their wallet stolen on Metro in DC. It was kind of funny, because the day after she told me their story, there was an article in the Washington Post about crimes committed on Metro not being counted. Of course, the story didn't quite apply to them, as it was more about how crimes that are committed on Park and Metro property are not counted in the city. My friend's story was more about a crime that was discounted because of "lack of proof" of a crime. In order to claim that a robbery has taken place on the Metro, you have to actually see it happen. It's not enough that your wallet is gone and some stranger has begun to charge up a storm on your credit card, that you have no driver's license, military ID, ATM card, etc.

Anyway.... the WP lists blogs from a technorati search, so when you link to a story you occasionally attract people who are interested in a certain story. Somebody found my story yesterday, and in turn posted it on their blog, somebody who it appears is extremely popular! I emailed my friend last night, after many hits on my blog, that she was famous! And today, it's quite the same thing. We both think it's hysterical. It's great to have friends who can find humor in the worst of circumstances and misfortune!! If you've visited here from there, thanks for stopping by. It's made our days just to be heard!

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